Saturday, August 12, 2006

The tightrope of cyberspace and the real world

Sorry, I'm not writing about the show where pampered, hissy people get crammed into one building to live together and call that REAL. Since when does real life have cameras, free living, and no job involved. I'm talking about E-connecting vs. face to face relationship. I'm not good with keeping up online. I E-crastinate. It's not that easy- that's not an acceptable excuse like "I'm bad with I won't even try to memorize yours." So I'm bad keeping up with blogging and emailing...stay with me here. A quick snippit of my brain. I value personal contact, conversation, and real relationship over almost anything in life. I have no shoratage of cool adventures to write about, but there's only so much time left in a day to stop doing cool adventures, sit down, and write them out. Some people love looking at computer screens even more than checking themselves out in shiny glass windows as they walk by. But for me, computer screens don't do it for me. It is sometimes a struggle for me to take time away from face-to-face relationship to let my fingers and the keys do the talking. I want to get better at this, but please know that I don't neeeeeeeed to write down my thoughts to process them. I blog to keep others up on my life adventures, not to feel like I'm a good E-person. I have heard people say they enjoy reading, therefore, I should keep writing because I love making people think and sharing what God is teaching me. BOTTOM LINE: I'll try to be better with this, thanks for reading, and I would love to chat with you if you want to get more personal. Stop by my place (7330 Brentford Drive) to say hello or give me a call at 719.271.5866. I appreciate all your thought-provoking answers to my questions and thoughts...keep up the comments! You guys mean a lot to me!


At 5:36 AM, Blogger Andrew Hess said...

Good thoughts's interesting, and kinda scary, how technology is replacing different aspects of relationships these days. Let's hang sometime soon!

At 9:01 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What's up Briggs--

Just thought I'd say hi so you can know I'm out here in your audience... I love reading what you've been up to. I hear you on the face-to-face thing, but since I'm in Korea, I'm glad for some electronic means of keeping in touch.
I was even in the Springs this summer, but too briefly to connect. Keep living the dream and reminding everybody else to also!


At 10:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

that's lovely. it's also one of the most cliche christian things to say. when it comes right down to it, you only value face to face time with a small group of people. the rest of us are relegated to an occassional "hey, i haven't seen you in forever! how are you?" or if we're really lucky, a "hey man, i'll be praying for you." don't get on your blog and act like youre some relationship guru. youre just like everyone else: consumed with your own little bubble and completely oblivious to anything outside of it unless they stand right in front of you.

At 11:37 PM, Blogger Alan Briggs said...

The previous comment is good, it makes me think. I certainly desire deep relationships and don't have unlimited time. I guess the reality is that we must choose who we can be deep with and who we just have to say hello to. I guess I can't fully live up to my own standards, but I can't just give up. Whoever wrote this, I challenge you to keep faith in relationships and please don't get bitter toward them. Yes, people will fail us, but there is restoration. One of my biggest hopes is that I never spread myself so thin that I have a million little relationships and no big ones that can feed my soul. Thanks for your thoughts, I appreciate it.


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