"Be noticed, Be rewarded, Belong"
I passed a billboard with this written on it the other day. At first glance I thought they really hit a seam of gold deep in the ground of the human heart. After thinking about it for a few minutes I concluded that the seam they hit is actually more exclusive to the heart of the American Dream. What is missing? ANY HINT OF SELFLESSNESS. We are all about being noticed, being rewarded, and belonging...but those things cannot sprout from selfishness. We cannot belong without giving something up...vulnerability, time, friendship, generosity... Think about it...
I am gay
Alan, I think it's true that belonging cannot spring from selfishness. However, it's easier to be noticed doing a self-promotional act than a selfless behind-the-scenes action. And in our culture it's often those who promote themselves who are rewarded. We know that to truly be rewarded (in heaven) requires selflessness. Thank God we belong to Him no matter how selfish we're being or acting.
Carrie, I agree. That's why Jesus' message remains the upside-down approach to living life and that's also one thing that is so distinct about His message that no other religion can touch.
The servant king...who would've guessed it?
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