Monday, December 25, 2006

Emergent Church..what is emerging?

Have you ever gone out for a walk and not known where you were going? Or taken a Sunday drive just to cruise in your car with your windows down and your favorite CD pumping? I hope you have. Those are some of the greatest joys for me in life, and I need to make a point never to get too busy for them. Lately I've had thoughts doing that in my head- thoughts about the Church. Christ's bride, the Body, the organism that will exist until we see Jesus face to face, the hands and feet of God on this earth- thoughts about her have been stewing a little bit. The specific thoughts I have are regarding the idea of the emergent Church. I've bantered with many of you about this it appropriate to call it that? Is there something distinctly happening in the Church now that never has before? Are we over-doing it on ideas, books, and new philosophies about the age old topic? So here's what I've been thinking... If the Church truly is changing in a big enough way to get a new title I hope we are not focusing on the title more than the emphasis behind it. In other words, I hope we are not so caught up in it that we lose the point. I see this season of the Body of Christ like a marriage- I can see many people (me included sometimes) so focused on the wedding that we forget about what lies beyond- a life of sacrifice and service. While the wedding is fun, a kind of party even, it lasts only for a short time. SO WHAT LIES BEYOND FOR THE CHURCH? Only God knows, but I do wonder how long we can call it emergent church...when will it stop emerging from the cacoon and turn into something, anything, a butterfly maybe? We can't call it emergent forever because IT IS HEADING SOMEWHERE. Humans like movements. We like following a new band, watching a friend grow and devellop, and political movements surely have their sway. I'm a little afraid that in the midst of following some new emergent idea we lose sight of the God behind the movement. If we are going to be caught up in a movement I hope it is a change that has found us and not a change that we are dragging behind us with all our might. The emergent church movement will die at some point, all movements do, but the Church will not. I challenge you to fall on your knees and worship God and remain attentive to the changes that He might have in store for His Body. Change is normal, healthy even; we just need guidance to remain reactive to God's pulse here on this globe. I hope the Church is doing more than just taking a joyride around the block in the 21st century... I am curious to see what this journey will look like down the road. I'd love to hear your comments about this! God, may we have the wisdom to know what is of YOU and what is of us as we question how your bride shall be respresented in the times ahead...


At 12:02 PM, Blogger Geoffrey Kerns said...

Briggs, I love you buddy but you honestly need to read some core books (written by some leading emerging church authors) before you throw the baby out with the bath water (if you are interested, I can recommend a few to chew on). Also, I think a huge factor in the titling of the "emerging church" was the fact that modern thinking was so influential on the body of Christ that our local gatherings (church institutions) began to think that we had arrived...our congregations subtly started to believe that we could figure God out. Thus the emerging church is a reaction against this certainty or arrogance (among many other things). You're right about the body of Christ (or church) is always changing and that is why the title "emerging church" doesn't bother me. It views ecclesiology in a way that will always be moving and never static. The church will always be emerging until we take our last breath.

Sorry my thoughts were scrambled and hurried. I have a lot more so we'll chat friday. Peace brotha.

At 12:03 PM, Blogger Geoffrey Kerns said...

Briggs, I love you buddy but you honestly need to read some core books (written by some leading emerging church authors) before you throw the baby out with the bath water (if you are interested, I can recommend a few to chew on). Also, I think a huge factor in the titling of the "emerging church" was the fact that modern thinking was so influential on the body of Christ that our local gatherings (church institutions) began to think that we had arrived...our congregations subtly started to believe that we could figure God out. Thus the emerging church is a reaction against this certainty or arrogance (among many other things). You're right about the body of Christ (or church) is always changing and that is why the title "emerging church" doesn't bother me. It views ecclesiology in a way that will always be moving and never static. The church will always be emerging until we take our last breath.

Sorry my thoughts were scrambled and hurried. I have a lot more so we'll chat friday. Peace brotha.

At 3:54 PM, Blogger KLantz said...

what about the church that is emerging in China? that church seems to be doing some things in the face of persecution that the church in America is not and mabye cannot?

At 10:00 AM, Blogger Alan Briggs said...

Dudes, good thoughts...I like it. The biggest question I'm asking is, "What's our focus?" I know my heart and I know that I'm sometimes over-eager for the next big and changing thing. I need to be more over-eager to hear from God each morning. Keep thinking...

At 8:25 AM, Blogger Geoffrey Kerns said...

That's exactly why I'm excited! :)Since I've been studying the emerging church movement it has shifted my focus to what I believe are closer things to the heartbeat of God. Granted, the title "emerging church" may indeed be a trend in passing and it is certainly a buzz word right now that people throw around cause it makes them feel cutting edge BUT I'm confident that the questions that this movement is asking are life changing ones. And many of the questions aren't new either. Actually, most have been asked in the past but somehow the church has moved away from them. Issues such as the kingdom here on earth, justice, truth, the gospel, the mystery and wonder of God, community, etc. Get back to me with your thoughts.

At 1:04 PM, Blogger Alan Briggs said...

Geoff, good stuff man. I'm right with ya- we need to learn to ask the right questions, not just the ones we grew up asking. Buzz words will change, trends will change, music styles will change, and certainly we will too but I struggle sometimes with the tension between changing times and an unchanging God. Can't wait to hang with you tomorrow.

At 8:15 AM, Blogger Jason said...

Allan, I agree with your skepticism about this movement or any movement that is not simply called the Bride of Christ. I also commend your for taking a firm stand even as these guys would attempt to beat you into submission. They've obviously swallowed the kool-aid and forgot to ask if it contained any Jesus. I'd love to hear your thoughts about my blog today, called Friday night at the's a little of my perspective about the Emergent movement. blessings bro, Jason

At 8:17 AM, Blogger Jason said...

In light of my own committment to Truth. I apologize for misspelling your name bro. A-L-A-N

Forgive me and let me make it up to you by buying you a coffee sometime. Let me know when that works for you!


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