Sunday, February 12, 2006

Missing the simple pleasures

Hey guys! I just wanted to update you all and let you know that I'm alive after the crazy time of the ship offload. About a week ago I was told that I'm leaving a little earlier than the original plan. Twelve days and counting until I'll be in New Zealand. After being in such a crazy place for five months I miss little things. I miss green! I have only seen a few live plants in the greenhouse here in five months. I miss darkness and stars! I have not experienced darkness at all for five months. I miss good smells of trees and flowers! Snow, ice, and rock doesn't smell like anything. I miss warmth! Although 15 degrees can seem balmy when the wind stops, I miss sitting outside and feeling the warmth of the sun and not having to bundle up and face the elements. There is no doubt that I miss other things, but the simple joys of life that I have so often taken for granted are all of a sudden things I cannot wait to get back to. So here's the question....What would you miss most (besides people) if you were in Antarctica?


At 10:21 PM, Blogger Q said...

if you miss flowers, i could plant some for you...

i think i would miss being able to go outside and lay on the grass in shorts and a t-shirt when its sunny... versus going outside wearing five layers underneath my marshmallow man jacket when its sunny...

At 10:12 AM, Blogger Alan Briggs said...

Yes, I'm excited for now more marshmellow man!


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